Organizing Life

Not too long ago, a friend of mine posted that to be organized is to be at rest. That phrase really stuck in my mind, particularly when I get frustrated about the state of our home. This weekend, my sister got engaged. About a week or so ago, I determined that I needed to seriously get my health in order starting with my weight. These things might seem unrelated, but to me, getting my life organized means that these things will be easier to manage. I sincerely believe that if you are raised in an organized environment, you have a better chance of being organized yourself (although not always.)

I know that I could search Pinterest for the eight million ways to organize, or the 30 days to organization challenges that are all over the place, but one size fits all rarely works the way I want it to. I’ve read the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and it truly did change the way I looked at the clutter I have, but I still have some hang ups with sentimental items. I know it’s not bad to hold on to the items that have sentimental attachment, but at some point, it becomes less my personal style and more dead people’s stuff. It’s nice to remember those that we love, but it doesn’t really help us remember them well if we see their past belongings as things that don’t really make us happy.

I decided that I needed to start by making a list. I am, by nature, a list maker. There’s just something about crossing off items and feeling accomplished when it’s all completed. Here is what I have so far.

  1. Organize all my photos on my computer into folders
  2. Clean up documents on my computer
  3. I have one year before I have to get rid of clothing that no longer fits
  4. Edit the amount of linens we have. Only what we need, love, and use
  5. I have one year to read at least 1/2 of the books that I have not read yet
  6. Edit cookware and storage containers. Do we really need everything?
  7. Get paperwork organized
  8. Designate projects for all accumulated fabric and begin working on completing them
  9. Spend a minimum of 30 minutes outside, intentionally, and not just walking from the car etc. (30 minutes is mainly because winter is upon us. I definitely intend to spend more once spring arrives again.)
  10. Talk to myself in a more kind and productive manner
  11. Stop hoarding random thing (I have a problem with containers, notebooks, and cute office supplies)
  12. Go through all of the toys and focus on toy minimalism. What are things that will benefit her learning and play best?
  13. Do one load of laundry a day, so long as there are enough clothes to warrant it
  14. Change sheets on the bed every Monday
  15. Try and make the bed every day
  16. No leaving dishes in the sink if the dishes in the dishwasher are dirty
  17. Clean the fridge on grocery day
  18. Work towards a simple, but loved wardrobe. It doesn’t have to be a capsule wardrobe, but it should be all pieces that make me happy
  19. Our bodies deserve healthy, whole foods
  20. Keep a food log
  21. Move more
  22. Don’t be a goo hoarder
  23. Edit the makeup. Seriously. Only what you use, and you’re allowed to buy better if it means buying less
  24. Clean out the diaper bag/ purse/ wallet/ car, once a week
  25. Create a schedule and try to keep it
  26. Forgive yourself if you miss something
  27. Check trashcans and take them out daily if they are full
  28. The litter box. Every. Single. Day.
  29. Get better about putting away things once I am done using them
  30. Create an organized place for everything. Such as sewing supplies, drawing supplies, tools. When things have a place they belong, you are less likely to put them wherever is most convenient
  31. Always take the shopping bags back to the car after the groceries are put away
  32. Use my phone less. Read real books more
  33. Workout five times a week
  34. Stop buying things that you don’t need or love
  35. No more soda. It’s crap. You don’t need it
  36. Work towards a set bedtime routine
  37. Actually stick with your skin care regimen
  38. Use sunscreen more often
  39. Water your plants
  40. Remember that change does not happen overnight, results will happen over time

Obviously this list isn’t just for organizing. It’s for my entire life. Additionally, it isn’t going to work for you without some tweaking. You’ll have your own things to add, or take away. Some of you don’t have kids, or actually know how to apply makeup, or really love the bohemian maximalism look. You do you. I’m just documenting my attempt to get things in my life to that state where I’m able to be at rest. One of the things I intend to do to help keep myself on track is making sure that I keep an account of how things are going here on this blog. So this is week one. If you want to try and go along, let me know what you’re planning on doing. Sharing ideas can lead to things we haven’t thought of ourselves that may be helpful. Thanks for reading, and I hope you’re successful in your attempts as well.

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